Bei Alikendorf / Kreis Wanzleben.- Absturzstelle / Wrack eines abgeschossenen amerikanischen Flugzeug vom Typ Consolidated B-24 "Liberator" der 492nd Bomb Group nach der "Luftschlacht bei Oschersleben" am 7. Juli 1944; Eins.Komp. Lw zbV
Quelle : Bundesarchiv
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Zitat von MilitariaMD im Beitrag #1Bei Alikendorf, abgeschossene B 24
Bei Alikendorf / Kreis Wanzleben.- Absturzstelle / Wrack eines abgeschossenen amerikanischen Flugzeug vom Typ Consolidated B-24 "Liberator" der 492nd Bomb Group nach der "Luftschlacht bei Oschersleben" am 7. Juli 1944; Eins.Komp. Lw zbV
Quelle : Bundesarchiv
Der Aufmerksame Betrachter müsste feststellen, dass es sich hierbei um 2 verschiedene Flugzeuge handelt, damit ist die Beschriftung "Absturzstelle / Wrack eines abgeschossenen amerikanischen Flugzeug" nur teilweise richtig. -> vgl. unterschiedliche Ackerbestellung und Trümmerfeld!
Beide Maschinen sind bekannt, unter anderem auch die X4-J- aus Alikendorf. Hatte ich bereits gepostet, siehe hier: 29.6.44Bomber über Lostau
Mir war auch die unterschiedliche Vegitation aufgefallen, und noch mehr der unterschiedliche Zerlegungsgrad der Maschine(n) Wo gehört denn die 2. Maschine hin?
Magado-2 Wenn nicht anders ausgewiesen, dann Sammlung/Eigentum Magado Bilder/Beiträge dürfen "Nichtgewerblich" genutzt werden.
Die Erste mit dem Leitwerk am Boden liegende ist von der 492nd Bomb Group und diese ist bei Alikendorf abgestürzt. Die Zweite müsste nach der Kennung am Leitwerk von der 392nd Bomb Group sein. Es ist mir aber nicht bekannt, das eine bei Alikendorf abgestürzt ist. Die Absturzstellen könnten sehr nah bei einander liegen. Auf dem 3. Bild kann man erkennen, dass die Maschine wahrscheinlich an einem Sonnenblumenfeld liegt und im Hintergrund kann man eine Baumreihe erkennen. Auf dem 4. Bild kann man kann man auch eine Baumreihe erkennen und im linken Bereich darunter vielleicht soger das Sonnenblumenfeld.
Von 373 B-24s, trafen 102 Lützkendorf und 64 Halle Öllager , 90 Bernburg und 73 Aschersleben Flugzeugwerke und 8 Gelegenheitsziele ; 28 B-24s sind verlorengegangen, 1 irreparabel beschädigt und 126 beschädigt; 3 Fliegerbesatzungsmitglieder sind KIA, 11 WIA und 274 MIA. Eskortiert von 224 P-38s, P-47s und P-51s vorgesehen ist; 1 P-38 und 3 P-51s sind verloren (Piloten sind MIA).
7 July 1944 Mission #127 Target: Bernburg This first mission to Bernburg saw the 392nd suffering heavy losses once again. Fighter opposition and flak was vicious. The 392nd lost six aircraft with five aircrews MIA, but its gunners claimed 14 enemy aircraft kills. At 0130 and 0300 hours, 43 aircrews were given general briefing. All but one took off beginning at 0446 with 38 ultimately going over the airfield target, releasing a total of (954) 100 and 500# weapons with fair results. However, massive fighter engagements with savage attacks of between 135-140 aircraft as well as heavy, accurate AA fire over target took their toll on the Group. Flying off of the 492nd BG, five 392nd crews were MIA, with four being from the 579th. In ship #229 "Rap 'em Pappy," First Lieutenant L. Ruvolis and crew came under attack after bombs away and were seen leaving the formation after the landing gear dropped down with #3 engine windmilling and #4 engine out. The plane appeared to be under control with some flames coming from the aircraft; no chutes were observed. First Lieutenant H. W. Prouse's aircraft #160, "Ski Nose," was seen to be hit in the bomb bay by fighter fire which ignited the incendiary bombs being carried. The ship left the formation and dived to around 10,000 feet where it exploded with one chute seen. Ship #517, Lieutenant W. M. Milliken's crew, was lost without any eyewitness accounts. Lieutenant R. L. Pounds' crew, in ship #028, was flying with the 492nd; no details were known of their fate. From the 576th Squadron, First Lieutenant G. E. Jones in aircraft #772 was MIA, with no eyewitness information. A sixth 392nd aircraft, 42-100432, crash-landed at Newchurch, Kent, England. Two men aboard were wounded in action. The 392nd's sister Group, the 492nd at North Pickenham, also suffered very heavily on this mission, losing a reported 12 B-24s to fighter reaction. In its teletype Report of Enemy Air Opposition, the 392nd commented, "One variation of "rocketeers" noted. Squadron from this Group flying high right on 492nd reported 30 FW-190s flying about 1200 yards to the rear and low firing salvos of time-fuzed ammunition into one squadron of 492nd. Stragglers shot down after salvos. Interrogation reveals that 12 A/C from 492nd were shot down this way. Also employed 'Tail Gunners Headache' on 392nd Group and Squadron with 492nd. ME-410s and JU-88s attacked singly from 9 o'clock. One A/C lost from 392nd Group to 'Tail Gunners Headache.' Four A/C lost to 'Tail Gunners Headache' and 9 o'clock attacks from twin engine enemy aircraft in Squadron flying with 492nd. [Friendly] fighter successfully repelled attacks on 392nd Group formation, but Squadron with 492nd reports friendly fighters not in evidence until main weight of E/A attacks had passed." 7 JULY 1944 TARGET: BERNBERG MISSING AIRCREW REPORT: #07216 AIRCRAFT: #42-95229 "RAP ‘EM PAPPY" "Bar-R" 22nd Mission AIRCREW: RUVOLIS * SQUADRON: 579th CREW POSITIONS AND STATUS: P l/LT Ruvolis, Leo Jr. POW CP 2/LT Wunderlin, Carl F. KIA N F/0 Mayer, Randell S. Jr. POW B 2/LT Young, Edward POW R/O T/SGT Garvey, James A. KIA EnG T/SGT Cowley, John C. KIA WG S/SGT Beltz, Gerald E. POW WG S/SGT Schenkenberger, Jacob (NMI) KIA TG S/SGT Sheridan, Theodore V. POW MISSION LOSS CIRCUMSTANCES: Returning aircrew eye-witness reports (Lt. Niederriter, crew Pilot, 579th, and Lt. Fleck, crew Bombardier of Lt. Leser’s crew, 579th) stated that this aircraft was attacked by enemy aircraft after bombs away; dropped the nose gear; then most of the landing gear came down with plane leaving formation under control with #3 engine windmilling; #4 engine out, and some flames coming from the ship. The 392nd formation in which the Ruvolis aircraft was flying was as High Right element of the 492nd Bomb Group at North Pickenham. German Report #KU2429, Air Base Command A (o) 13/lll, Halberstadt, reported this ship crashed at 0920 hours near Rhoden, (7) kilometers northeast of Osterwielk on 7 July. Crew members Ruvolis, Mayer, Young, and Beltz were captured between 1030-1050 hours in the same general vicinity of Osterwielk, same day. Sheridan, as the 5th member captured, was taken prisoner in the same general location at 1115 hours Three (3) crew men were found dead near the crash location some with remains badly charred: Wunderlin, Schenkenberger and Garvey - later in the day. The Engineer, Sgt. Cowley, was found badly injured and was taken to a General Hospital at Wernigerode where he died two days thereafter. Another member, Sgt. Beltz, and one of the prisoners was found wounded and was later taken to the POW Hospital at Magdeburg on 9 July. Local burials were given to all deceased men. INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS OF CREWMEN FATES: Flight Officer Mayer gave information in his later 'Casualty Questionnaire' to the effect that, he, the Bombardier, Pilot, and Co-Pilot all exited the plane through the nose wheel hatch (since the bomb doors were damaged and could not be opened) and that the other members of the crew presumably escaped through the waist section aft hatch. The plane at the time was under heavy fighter attack firings during their abandoning ship efforts. Pilot Ruvolis reported also later that he had given the bail out order, but that Sgt. Garvey, the Radio Operator, was last seen attempting to re-open the bomb bay doors after bombs away, but could not do so, and was then proceeding to the waist section for bail out. Other survivor reports indicated that about the time the Radio Operator, Sgt. Garvey, and Waist Gunner Sgt. Schenkenberger were in the bomb bays, a burst of enemy fighter machine gun fire went through the bomb bay area and both were hit. Sgt. Beltz, one of the Waist gunners, stated that the Engineer and the other Waist Gunner, Sgt. Bowley, were wounded very badly and were both in the waist section then, and undoubtedly could not get out of the ship or help each other. A bizarre situation unfolded in later statements of at least two survivors on the fate of the Co-Pilot, Lt. Wunderlin, who was found dead near the crash site. It was reported in one statement, admitted as supposition to some degree, that there was "a possibility that his (Lt. Wunderlin’s) chute fouled (did not deploy), but that is unlikely (because) Ed Young, the Bombardier, overheard German conversation in which the Germans claimed that he was Jewish....they had in some way found his bail out pictures". Lt. Ruvolis, the Pilot, had stated that the Co-Pilot had definitely bailed out of the nose well hatch safely along with the others who exited there. Another surviving member on Lt. Wunderlin’s fate noted in his Casualty Questionnaire: "At the time I was questioned by the Gestapo and police, they showed me Lt. Wunderlin’s escape picture and asked me if I knew where he was. I denied knowledge of German (language). They then showed me the parachute packing slip from Lt. Ruvolis’ (the Pilot) chute, and I presumed that the Co-Pilot had been wearing Lt. Ruvolis’ chute; that he had come down safely and doffed his coveralls, inadvertently leaving his escape pictures in the pocket; and was roaming around somewhere. One of the Gestapo then started to ask me if Lt. Wunderlin was Jewish. I again denied knowledge of German (none of my interrogators spoke English). They then started insisting he was Jewish, and when I later heard he (Lt. Wunderlin) was still MIA and tied it into the attitude of these men, I came to the conclusion they had themselves shot him on the presumption that he was Jewish. BURIAL RECORDS: The Germans buried (3) of the crew dead on the same day, 7 July, in a village cemetery at Hasserode. The 4th member, Sgt. Cowley, who had been very gravely wounded with an excessive loss of blood and severence of a femoral artery, died while in the Hospital Section (Elementary School for Girls) at Wernierode on 9 July, and was buried at Community Cemetery of Hasserode, northeast corner, Row #3, Grave #26. These burial reports were given as supplementary accounts to report #KU 2429 and reported burial on 13 July. U.S. National (overseas).Cemetery records note that: Wunderlin was re-interred in the U.S. cemetery at MARGRATEN (Netherlands) in Grave D-2-14 with awards of the Air Medal with (2) Oak Leaf clusters; Garvey, also at MARGRATEN (Grave K-10-13) with awards as Wunderlin; and Schenkenberger as well at the same cemetery (Grave G-13-8) with the identical awards as the two members above, all were awarded the Purple Heart. No trace of Sgt. Cowley’s recovery/re-interment is recorded. NEXT OF KIN DATA IN WWII: Ruvolis (Wife, Mary M., 1105 2nd Avenue, Fayette, Idaho); Wunderlin (Father, Joseph, Apt #3, Potori, Wisconsin); Mayer (Mother, Mrs. E.M. Mayer, 2046 Birman Street, New Orleans, Louisiana); Beltz (Mother, Margaret Pierce, Nebraska); Cowley (Wife, Catherine, 204 Mitchell Drive, Huntsville, Alabama); Sheridan (Mother, Anna P, Barber Avenue, Hicksville, Michigan); Young (Wife, Charlotte, 4655 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington, D.C.,); Garvey (Mother, Mrs. Bridget, 2044 West Roosevelt Road, Chicago, Illinois); Schenkenberger (% N.C. Schenkenberger, Route #1, Wadsworth, Ohio). ************* MISSING AIRCREW REPORT: #07218 AIRCRAFT: #42-110028 (NO NICKNAME) "Bar-Z" 28th Mission AIRCREW: POUNDS * SQUADRON: 579th CREW POSITIONS AND STATUS: P 2/LT Pounds, Raymond L. POW CP 2/LT Fisher, Frank A. KIA N 2/LT Richards, Thomas I. POW B 2/LT Woodard, Donald G. POW R/O S/SGT Kochenash, Charles KIA EnG S/SGT Schmid, Frank F. KIA WG SgT De Witt, Norman D. POW WG SGT Phillips, William H. POW TG SGT Chick, Anthony P. POW
MISSION LOSS CIRCUMSTANCES: No eye-witness reports were given in the MACR concerning the loss of this crew and plane. German Report #KU2416, Airbase Hqs A (o) 13/11 at Halberstedt reported the downing of this aircraft at two kilometers south of Egeln and (24) kilometers southwest of Magdeburg on 7 July at 0935 hours with there being a ‘mix’ of two crews found from crashes of two Liberators (these were the Pounds and Milliken planes which crashed at nearly the identical location). Three (3) dead were reported as found from the Pounds aircrew at the site: Kochenash, Fisher, and Schmid. Sgt. Chick was also captured and had been wounded. The remaining crew men were taken prisoner near Egeln around 1000 hours that day: Pounds, Woodward, Richards, Phillips and De Witt. The (3) casualties were buried by the locals. INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS OF CREWMEN FATES: Lt. Pounds, the Pilot, later gave a report on the downing: that they were hit by German fighters right after bomb release, altitude 24,000 feet, and his plane fell out of formation at 0937 hours; that the ship was set afire in the bombbays from ruptured gasoline lines, and when he gave the bail out order, the flight deck was filled with smoke. He continued: "I was unable to see more than a few feet and so have no knowledge of Charles Kochenash (Radio Operator) or Frank Fisher (Co-Pilot). The aircraft exploded as I left my seat and the concussion threw me around the flight deck and I came to rest near the blown out top hatch, and I bailed from the plane. There wasn’t a chance for me to check on those two before bail out". He continued by noting that the Navigator and Bombardier had egressed through the nose wheel hatch and the other survivors had gone through the aft hatch in the tail section and that he had no knowledge relating to the Engineer’s fate. He did note that the latter crewman was found dead in the wreckage, but could not elaborate further. Another survivor, Sgt. Phillips, in another later casualty report stated that German interrogators had told him that (3) of the crew had been killed, but how or where, he did not know. He also stated that Sgt. Schmid was badly wounded at the time of his bail out. No other details were filed in this MACR. A German report noted Chick’s hospitalization. BURIAL RECORDS: German Report #KU2416 reflected the (3) dead of this aircrew being buried in the village cemetery at Egeln on 9 July 1944. U.S. National Overseas Cemetery reports do note the re-burial of Sgt. Schmid in the ARDENNES Cemetery, Grave C-24-9. He was awarded a Purple Heart citation. 2/Lt Fisher is interred at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery, Section 85 Site 24. NEXT OF KIN DATA IN WWII: Pounds (Mother, Emma, 332 Giffin Avenue, Cannonburg, Pennsylvania); Fisher (Mother, Doris W., 4119 Gleane Street, Elmburst, New York); Richards (Mother, Rignea, 37 Fadwell Street, Johnson City, New York); Woodward (Mother, Anna K., 928 McPherson, Trenton, Missouri); Kochenash (Mother, Anna, 720 Main Street, Box 14R, Egypt, Pennsylvania); Schmid (Mother, Frieda, 1643 Wellington Avenue, Chicago, Illinois); De Witt (Wife, Velma C., 50 Jackson Parkway,Holyoke, Massachusetts); Phillips (Wife, William H.,Route #2, Box 203D, Greenville, North Carolina); Chick(Uncle, Louis Chick, 905 Berkeley Avenue, Youngstown,Ohio). ********** MISSING AIR CREW REPORT: #07369 AIRCRAFT’ #42-52160 "SKI NOSE" "Bar-K" 27th Mission AIRCREW: PROUSE * SQUADRON: 579th CREW POSITIONS AND STATUS: P l/LT Prouse, Harold W. POW CP 1/LT Taylor, Ralph E. Jr. KIA N 2/LT Levine, Samuel J. KIA NG S/SGT Linn, Raymond L. KIA R/O T/SGT Chojecki, John M. KIA EnG S/SGT Dinsmore, Walter F. KIA TTG T/SGT Thom, Fred S. KIA WG S/SGT Quick, Lowell I. KIA/POW - died of wounds after capture. TG S/SGT Whitlock, George E. POW
MISSION LOSS CIRCUMSTANCES: An eye-witness from a returning crew member (S/Sgt. Hardy, waist gunner, Lt. McMiIIan’s crew, 579th) related this plane had been hit by enemy aircraft in the bomb bay area which caused a fire, and just before bombs away, the aircraft had dropped out of formation and went down under control to around 10,000 feet and then exploded, (1) chute seen. German Report # KU2434, Airdrome Command 3/Ill, Magdeburg, identified and reported the Prouse plane as crashing at the edge of Junkers Airbase-Bernberg, 500 meters off the front hangar "0"; and that one body completely charred and unidentifiable found with one other, Sgt. Linn, also dead. This report noted further that the rest of the casualties were so heavily wounded that they could not be identified before the next day, 8 July. It was also reported in a supplementary account that Pilot Prouse, Tail Gunner Whitlock and Waist Gunner Quick were captured at 1000 hours near the crash site, all wounded. Sgt. Quick died on 3 August 1944 as a POW at the Reserve Hospital, Obermasefeld, of facial burns, pneumonia after bronchitis. INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS OF CREWMEN FATES: Pilot Prouse’s later report stated that he only knew of two members getting free of the plane as it plummeted down almost in a vertical dive; Sgts. Quick and Whitlock had jumped at about 5000 feet after ship broke in two; and he had gotten free at about 200 feet after break-up. He stated that he believed that the others did not get out of the plane before it crashed. In confirming what the German-report had stated about Sgt. Quick’s resulting death, Pilot Prouse reported further that he had been allowed to attend Sgt. Quick’s burial in the cemetery at Meiningen (on 7 August 1944 at 0600 hours) and that the Sgt. had succumbed to bronchial pneumonia and was cheerful to the very last. BURIAL RECORDS: German reports note that Taylor and Linn were buried in the village cemetery at Bernberg; Chojecki, Levine and Dinsmore at cemetery in Klein-Zerbet; Thom at a cemetery in LecBuitz; and Quick later at the village cemetery at Bernberg; Chojecki, Levine, and Dinsmore at cemetery in Klein-Zerbet: Thom at a cemetery at Meiningen, Grave A-I-d-2l. U.S. National Overseas Cemetery records reflect that Chojecki was reinterred in the National plot at LORRAINE (near St. Avoid, France, east of Metz), Grave A-25-39 and awarded an Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster and the Purple Heart; and Thom also was reburied in the National Cemetery of the ARDENNES, Grave D-3-21, and awarded the Purple Heart. No other records exist with this MACR on the other members who were initially buried in Germany. NEXT OF KIN DATA IN WWII: Prouse (Father, Frank M., 2215 Florida Street, Long Beach, California); Taylor (Father, Ralph E., 609 Shawnee, Bartlesville, Oklahoma); Levine (Mother, Ida, 57 Somerset Street, Springfield, Massachusetts); Linn (Mother, Ollie E., 1528 28th Street, Rock Island, Illinois); Chojecki (Mother, Mary R., 2956 Hillock Avenue, Chicago, Illinois); Thom (Wife, Lora A., 4946 Eagle Street, Los Angeles, California); Dinsmore (Mother, Antoinette S., 523 West Sample Street, Eboneburg, Pennsylvania); Quick (Wife, Lola M., RFD .2, Box 196, Ava, Missouri); and Whitlock (Mother, Mrs. John, Black Hill, Concord, New Hampshire). ************* MISSING AIRCREW REPORT: #07370 AIRCRAFT: #42-52517 "MODEL-T" "Bar-U" 27th Mission AIRCREW: MILLIKEN * SQUADRON: 579th CREW POSITIONS AND STATUS: P 2/LT Milliken, William M. KIA CP 2/LT Darnall, Robert W. POW N 2/LT Euwer, Charles T. Jr KIA B 2/LT Love, David C. KIA R/O SGT Stella, George F. Jr KIA Eng SGT Cothran, James W. KIA WG SGT Janes, Calvin W. KIA WG SGT Lasater, Jerome R. KIA TG SGT Orlando, Frank J. KIA MISSION LOSS CIRCUMSTANCES: There were no eye-witness accounts by returning crews on the loss of this aircraft and aircrew. German Report #KU2416, Airbase Hqs, Magdeburg-East, reported the crash of this plane and the finding of (9) dead crewmen at (2) kilometers south of the village of Egein, (24) kilometers southwest of Magdeburg which occurred at 0935 hours, 7 July. The account reported the plane as 90% destroyed and the finding of (1) each copy of: a bombing mission folder~ map of Halle; aerial photo of Junkers-Bernburg Airfield; aerial photo of Ago-Oschersleben; grid map of Junkers-Bernburg; grid map of Ago-Oschersleben; bombing board; questionnaire; and pages out of a Frequency Meter Set SCR -11 AC. No further record existed except a burial notation of the casualties. INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS OF CREWMEN FATES: There was only (1) survivor who lived through this ordeal, Co-Pilot Lt. Darnall, who was blown literally out of the plane when it exploded while under enemy fighter attacks. His report indicated that most crew members were in their assigned positions when the plane suddenly blew up, and surmised all of them had been killed; some having been wounded during the ensuing fighter passes, and the Tail Gunner Orlando definitely killed in his turret. He related further that the Pilot Milliken and Radio Operator were standing up beside him (Darnall) and both were attempting to open the jammed bomb bay doors when the plane blew up, and he the Co-Pilot, was blown out of the forward section. BURIAL RECORDS: The German Report above in a supplementary stated that (8) dead of this aircrew were buried in the village cemetery at Egeln on 9 July 1944. U.S. National Overseas Cemetery records show that the following crews members were re-buried in the National Cemetery of ARDENNES: Euwer (Grave-D-11-49); Love (Grave B-37-42); Cothran (Grave C-1-23); and Janes (Grave D-14-10), all members were awarded the Purple Heart. Sgt Lasater is interred at Ft Sam Houston National Cemetery, Section Q Site 73 and Sgt Stella is interred at Long Island National Cemetery, Section J Site 15853. Some of the dead from Lt. Pounds’ aircrew also were interred in the same village plot at Egeln, as the two Liberators had crashed almost at the same location. NEXT OF KIN DATA IN WWII: Darnall (Father, William C., 3201 Park Place, Wichita, Kansas); Milliken (Father, William E., 308 South Elm, Eureka, Kansas); Love (Mother, Mildred C., Box 624 Kellogg Avenue, Goleta, California); Euwer (Father, Charles T., 1027 College, Topeka, Kansas); Orlando (Mother, Mary, 3400 Belfort Street, New Orleans, Louisiana); Cothran (Mother, Emmie, Route #4, York, South Carolina); Janes (Mother, Lillian B., Calipatria, California); Lasater (Mother, Minnie V., Route #1, Box 628, Dallas, Texas); and Stella (Mother, Louise R., Box 125 Main Street, Guilderland Center, New York). ************** MISSING AIRCREW REPORT: #07371 AIRCRAFT: #42-94772 (NO NICKNAME) "J" 30th Mission AIRCREW: JONES * SQUADRON: 576th CREW POSITIONS AND STATUS: P l/LT Jones, George E. POW CP 2/LT Faas, John E. KIA N l/LT Morris, Jack C. POW B l/LT Thomas, Harry E. Jr POW R/O T/SGT McAdams, Ralph E. POW EnG T/SGT Bodoh, Allen E. POW WG S/SGT Lane, Tommie POW WG S/SGT Marvin, Henry E. POW TG S/SGT Rossi, Vincent H. POW MISSION LOSS CIRCUMSTANCES: No returning crew eye-witness reports were given on the loss of this crew and plane. A German Report #KU2420 noted that this aircraft had been shot down 400 meters north of Wagenfeld at 1045 hours, 7 July, and that (8) crew men had been captured at Barver-Diephels at this time, and (1) man had been found dead (Lt. Faas, the Co-Pilot) at the crash site. This report stated the aircraft had been shot down by a fighter aircraft. A supplementary German report to the above indicated that the Co-Pilot had been given burial on the same date. INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS OF CREWMEN FATES: Pilot Jones reported later in a questionnaire that he had given a bail out order and the Engineer had gone to the waist section to see that all members left by the aft hatch; that the Navigator and Bombardier had jumped through the nose wheel doors opening; and he, the Co-Pilot, and Radio operator went through the bomb bay door area. His report noted that everyone to his knowledge had bailed out. Another survivor report stated some additional circumstances involving Lt. Faas, the CoPilot, who was found dead near the crashed plane: "... apparently he (the Co-Pilot) was either caught on some projection in the bomb bay and couldn’t jump or he was afraid to jump. I saw him standing on the cat walk with the bomb bay doors open as I jumped through the (aft) camera hatch in the waist. Lt. Thomas and I, under Luftwaffe supervision placed (the Co- Pilot) him in a wooden coffin and buried him with one 1D tag in a small ‘Allied Airman’ cemetery. Name of village unknown. It was in a (12) mile radius of scene of crash. His body was found about 200 yards from the wreckage of the plane. His body was mangled and the chute was unopened with rip cord not pulled, but operative." Another surviving crew member wrote: "...when we put him in the wooden box his body was badly crushed. It appeared to have happened when the plane hit. His left arm and one leg were broken and his skull was badly damaged....he was lying in a potato field about 200 yards from the wreckage which had burned....there was an indentation in the soft ground about (8) feet from where he was lying which showed that he was thrown from the direction of the plane and had bounced once and came to rest face down, feet toward the wreck". A third crew man’s report stated that the Co-Pilot’s parachute had not been opened and..."we assumed he had bailed out and his parachute failed to open. Lt Thomas and Sgt. Bodoh were forced to bury Lt. Faas by the Germans". Much later, Sgt. Lane, one of the Waist Gunners, reported on a War Department Casualty Interrogation form: "...shot down by fighters. Everybody bailed out except Faas. My Pilot, Lt Jones told me that he had tried to persuade Faas to jump, but that Faas was frozen by fear and wouldn’t move in spite of the fire all around him. He went down with the plane BURIAL RECORDS: The German Report #KU2420 above in a supplementary account written the next day, 8 July, Airbase Hqs A 17/Il, Field Command Diephels, reported the burial of Lt. Faas at the Russian Cemetery at Hannover-Strochlen, 7 July. U.S. National (overseas) Cemetery records reflect that Lt. Faas was recovered and re-buried at the MARGRATEN National plot (Grave B-10-3). It also noted he had been awarded the Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster but no record for the Purple Heart citation. NEXT OF KIN DATA IN WWII: Jones (Mother, Nancy C., 4303 Buena Vista, Dallas, Texas); Morris (Father, James T., Clarksburg, Ohio); Thomas (Father, Harry E., 628 South Colt Street, Florence, South Carolina); Faas (Mother, Anna, 267 Prospect Street, Ridgewood, New Jersey); McAdams (Mother, Maud J., RFD #2, Honeger, Alabama); Bodoh (Mother, Catherine, Route #1, Box 4A, Wakefield, Michigan); Rossi (Mother, Rose Pissiesttone, 252 Waddell Avenue, Clairton, Pennsylvania); Lane (Mother, Freida E., Route #1, Hoboken, Georgia) and Marvin (Father, Nicholas 0., 1115 Tinbon Street, McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania).
Magado-2 Wenn nicht anders ausgewiesen, dann Sammlung/Eigentum Magado Bilder/Beiträge dürfen "Nichtgewerblich" genutzt werden.